Thursday, January 2, 2014

Cheers 2014

Well here we are again. Another fresh start. 
Another year gone by full of heartache and laughter and small miracles and life lessons learned. 
Another year of resolutions. Some kept....Some broken.
This year I've decided not to be so hard on myself. 
Mostly because the resolutions I may have had in mind-  I haven't started yet.
I've still got the "There's always next Monday" attitude. 
So here's what I've got in mind for 2014...ya know....starting Monday. 

  • I'd like to run a few 5ks this year. Like sign up early and prepare. Not bail at the last minute. (not that that has ever happened.)
  • My first step in preparation for 2014 is becoming a morning person. I've taken on more responsibility the last half of 2013 and I began feeling like there wasn't enough hours in the day. Mostly because I was so overwhelmed at times I would go to bed early and sleep in. Then freak out when I couldn't finish everything and wondered why my house was such a mess and the laundry was never ending! At least if I wake up early I can check a few tasks off of my to do list that I won't have to worry about when my mind turns to mush at 8pm.
  • I want need to be more organized. With work and school and a new job hunt and family health management and blogging organization is essential in my life. I love the feeling of zen when I wake up to a clean home or walk into a neat closet. (Side note...this is a yearly resolution. I always start out strong and then, well, what can I say. I'm not the best juggler.)
  • This next one is a combination of about three thoughts I had written down. I want to pay off some debt. Which can only be done by shopping less. (I've got a few closet remix challenges lined up for this year.) And with proper planning I want to begin expanding Polka Dots and Lace. Which will take some time and investment that I'll have by being more organized and saving my pennies! will all pay off in the end. At the end of this year I can't wait to look back and see all that I've accomplished. Not to sound cliche or anything but...

1 comment :

  1. Hey sis just wanna say that your my inspiration and motivation to push myself everyday to reach my goals and dream big everyday! Your so beautiful and aspiring :-) and I hope this year in 2014 that we can reach these goals together.since many of your are also mine too lol =) especially the 5 k and zumba of course =) But Your Are My Motivation And Inspiration Every Single Day! I love you xo P.S Im Your Biggest Fan xo and 2014 Will Be Our Bitch =) hehe xo


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