Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring in my Step...

I tried my hand at outdoor pics this week. Who doesn't love a little fresh air style?
I've been feeling very casual lately. so casual I don't mind that I'm wearing scrubs...even when I'm not at work. {lazybum}

Anyway..I'm trying to capitalize on the nice weather when I can. I just LOVE when SJL grills...nothing is better than grilled chicken & veggies with cold 'beahs'. Seems like every day off I have involves "April showers".  So I decided to put a little spring in my step today with my fave warm weather wedges and pants...for a trip to the grocery store. SJL thought I was nuts putting in so much effort to go grocery shopping at a place where PJs and rollers are the norm. Think...
I was definitely out of place, but I didn't care cause I felt good. And I wanted to dress I said...I've been feeling too casual lately. 

Sunnies: Vegas gift shop (I miss Vegas!!)
Pants: LC via Kohls
Wedges: Can't remember...maybe Dots?
Tank: Old Navy
Sweater: Old Navy clearance!
Necklace: Old Navy (recently! Check your stores!)

Sock buns and $1 iced coffees are my current FAVORITES!!

What are you doing to celebrate spring?
Don't forget to follow- Links are all up there on the right! I'm always finding new blogs to read and I promise to return the favor!



  1. I fully support your decision to NOT join I'd say if that's the alternative, you'd be better off wearing an evening gown grocery shopping haha. You look great! I found a pair of Gap jeans on clearance that look just like these, and I might have to invest because I love how they look!



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